FlowCon Energy FIT-G System

The FIT system provides direct control of ΔT to reduce flow requirements and to heat/cool and pump less water resulting in increased occupant comfort and energy savings. It measures energy use, monitors coil performance and adjusts the PICV Valve to optimise coil performance. The PICV maintains correct flow despite pressure changes and guarantees that flow change and change in actuator position only occur when demand requirements change or ΔT is outside specification.

Readings of ΔT, ΔP, flow rate, energy and flow at valve location through Bluetooth FlowCon App or analogue to BMS. Compact, 360° installation, no piping restrictions. Well suited for plant room and district heating applications, new builds or retro fit.

FlowCon Energy FIT-G System
FlowCon Energy FIT-G System

The FIT System includes:

  • A FlowCon Green PICV (½” – 2″, threaded)
  • A FlowCon (display) actuator (with or without failsafe function)
  • A sensor kit including 2 temperature sensors and 2 pressure sensors
  • The FlowCon Intelligent Interface

Differential Pressure range: 16-800 kPaD

4 flowrate ranges from 0.0103 to 3.79 l/sec

Pressure rating: PN25

  • State-of-the-art pressure independent balancing and temperature control
  • Cost savings due to optimized energy consumption, improved efficiency and ΔT control
  • Easy monitoring via Bluetooth and FlowCon App or analog to BMS via BACnet
  • PICV actuator options:
    • FN actuators: electrical 2-10V modulating, optional failsafe
    • FH actuators: electrical 2-10V modulating, optional failsafe
  • Adjustable to 41 different maximum flow rate settings
  • Intelligent Interface with integrated energy and flow meter
  • Sensor kit with either 2 temperature and 2 pressure sensors or with 2 temperature sensors only
  • DN15-50: DZR brass PICV housing and stainless steel sensors
  • PICV fixed female-by-female threaded connection